Pornography hurts adults, children, couples, families, and society. Among adolescents, pornography hinders the development of a healthy sexuality, and among adults, it distorts sexual attitudes and social realities. In families, pornography use leads to marital dissatisfaction, infidelity, separation, and divorce.”
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News media organizations often treat specific internet safety issues as fads – after being THE hot topic, issues fall out of favor becoming “old news” in spite of ongoing risks and threats. We’ve seen this with pornography, child predators, chat room risks, meeting strangers and, more recently, sexting.
The negative effects of pornography do not end after development. They can be just as harmful to families and marriages.
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According to National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families, 2010, 47% of families in the United States reported that pornography is a problem in their home.xii
Internet pornography was the first big internet safety topic to make news, and it has remained largely out of favor among the popular press ever since. But that doesn’t mean the issues and costs have vanished, or that “it’s just an issue among right-wing prudes.” In fact, there's significant research emanating from academic circles which suggests that online pornography is not without significant social and economic costs.
It creates distorted expectations which hinder healthy sexual development. Adolescents exposed to high levels of pornography have lower levels of sexual self-esteem.xi Keeping the conversation going with your child about the effects of pornography is essential to heading off issues like depression and low self-esteem.
It hinders sexual development. Pornography viewing by teens disorients them during the developmental phase when they have to learn how to handle their sexuality and when they are most vulnerable to uncertainty about their sexual beliefs and moral values.ix Blocking internet-connected devices from accessing adult material is a good start in keeping pornography out of reach for teens.
Today’s hot topic is cyberbullying, but given the nature of our media cycles, we should expect to see this join the ranks of “old news” by the end of the year. That isn’t to say these topics aren’t ongoing threats, just that they lose media attention.
The societal costs of pornography are staggering. The financial cost to business productivity in the U.S. alone is estimated at $16.9 Billion annually; but the human toll, particularly among our youth and in our families, is far greater.
If we leverage data extracted on March 30, 2012 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics which calculates average hourly earnings at $23.23, and we multiply by one hour and 38 minutes, we’d see a loss of roughly $38/month per employee due to pornography usage in the workplace. Multiply that by 12 months and a yearly loss of $456 coming from every employee that views pornography can be estimated.
The amount of pornographic material available on the web is staggering. As introductory economics, search engines, and other online data repositories tell us, the market for such material is just as large.
One area of study considered important among development experts is the effect of pornography on teens and young adults.